Monday, February 22, 2010

sharing day... numero uno.

I visited Sarah Flurry's blog and went through her presentation. She researched Native Americans and how they interact with Americans. I learned that there were specific actions by the Americans that were inconsiderate towards the Native Americans. There have been Native American burial sites that weren’t taken great care of. The Americans mistook the space for an area that hadn’t been claimed for a sports park. When the bodies were discovered, they were moved into a different spot. Sarah says, “Native Americans are angry about this because the new burials have not been done with the aid of a Native American representative.” This shows how American’s can be so oblivious to hurting others.
Another example of America’s trouble noticing how hurt Native Americans are using their image as a mascot. Native American’s find this very offensive because they think of the mascot as mockery. They believe that it is a type of racism and that it should be stopped.
I agree with Sarah when she says how America should be more aware of who they are hurting in order to grow as a nation. Hurting those around you will not be worth the development the country will receive by the end of the day.

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