Friday, January 29, 2010

joseph smith

So I have been reading up on this influential man named Joseph Smith. He experienced "visions" during the end of the Second Great Awakening. These "visions" were of an angel coming to Smith and telling him not to join any of the sects because God's will wasn't represented by any. Because of these "visions," he wrote the book titled, Book of Mormon. In this book, Smith wrote about the ancient, primitive Christianity of the Hebrews in America. This religion he thought of as that sect the angel spoke about. Smith then founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At first, only Smith's friends and family members were a part of it. But then, people heard of his so called, great powers of being able who is allowed into heaven. Smith moved his community around a little bit but then was able to stick in one place; Illinois. Nauvoo was where they settled and here in Illinois (my home sweet home!) was where Smith was given the spot in government as the mayor. It was apparent that Joseph Smith enjoyed leadership because he loved to dress in fancy uniforms and call his followers the Mormon militia. Once Smith publicized that he wanted to run for president, his luck had run out. This announcement's timing wasn't of the best because there was already chaos between the Mormon Church and those from outside the Church as well. These were because Smith had added polygamy to Mormonism. The media talked badly about Smith and his religion. Smith's reaction was to have those in charge of the media destroyed and because of that, he was thrown in jail. A few days later, a few non-Mormon's shot Joseph Smith. 1805-1844. Joseph Smith's influence on those in the Mormon religion were appreciated greatly. Without him, the religion wouldn't be in existence. Those followers of the Mormon religion then went to Brigham Young to lead them

"Joseph Smith." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010. .

From learning about Joseph Smith's life, I have taken away how much one person can do in such a short time. Smith still affects those in Mormonism even though he has passed. This makes me think about what I will be able to do in my lifetime. I doubt I will be able to make as big of a difference as Smith but I want to be able to say I improved and influence at least one person's life during the opportunity I was given on earth.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you do a great job in making your postings conect to your life. you did a great job in explaining the story about joseph smith's life, i think that this had a good balance between your opinion and how smith's impact helped change the world a little.
