Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Speech

So who watched Obama's speech last night? I did. I am always so captured by his skills at presenting speeches. He spoke about how he has many ideasthat will help the United States get back to where it once was. "I do not accept second place for the U.S." I really like the passion he conveys about the United States and the way he believes that we can get out of our slump. The many goals he has were brought up through out the speech. One that stood out to me was the one about exporting as many good as possible. Obama wants to double the amount of exports in the next five years so that it can require two million Americans to get a job helping do so. Also, he spoke about the scientific evidence of a climate change. He believes that clean energy will lead global economy. Barak Obama wants to creat jobs by building infostructures of the future. There will also be rebates for homes that are made to be more energy efficient which supports energy efficient jobs. This will keep employees in the U.S. and make it better for the economy at the same time. Education is a very high priotiy to Obama, too. He thinks that, "no one should become broke because they chose to go to collgeg." He mentioned the best anti-poverty plan. That plan includes world class education.

Obama will do what it takes to make for a more hopeful future.
If you didn't see him last night, here is a link of a few minutes of it...

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